Monday, September 17, 2012

Who's Making Dinner?

In order to save money during our week in Nauvoo, we decided to take turns cooking dinner.  Dabney made delicious BLTs the first night.  I made BBQ pork sandwiches for my night.  Krissy and Megan split a night and ordered DELICIOUS pizzas (by the way, I had the best gluten free pizza I've ever eaten and it was made in Keokuk, IA.  Who knew?!).  Mom and Dabney made a candlelit spaghetti dinner.  It worked out really well.  The food was delicious and we weren't in the kitchen all day everyday!

So, what would Dad cook when it was his turn?  Pasta?  Hot dogs?  Mac&Cheese?  Dad really surprised us and treated the entire family to Ogo's Buffet.  It was an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant.  It had a salad bar, dessert bar, a potato bar, and lots of different kinds of chicken.  The unique thing about this all-you-can-eat buffet, is that the taco meat was not included.  It turns out, if you want the taco meat or the fish, you have to pay extra.  What could be so special about taco meat?  Well, there must've been something x-tra special about it, because I saw one girl walk up and serve herself an entire plate of JUST taco meat!!  Weird.

The grossest thing I've ever seen.  Emily found this spine under her chicken.  I almost vomited!

Don't take more than you can eat!

We took up a giant table that ran down the middle of the restaurant!

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