Sunday, April 29, 2012

Soccer, Dance Competition, a Marathon, a broken foot, and last but not least . . . PROM!!

How does a mom do it all?  2 boys with soccer games, a daughter with a dance competition in Salt Lake, a marathon in Salt Lake with a sister and brother, a daughter with a job, and that same daughter with a Prom to attend.  Basically . . . a nightmare of scheduling conflicts!

Ready or not . . . I had received a terrible foot injury earlier in the week that was causing a lot of pain.  I rested and got lots of foot massages from my brother, hoping that it would heal in time to run the Salt Lake City Marathon with my sister, Kristin, and brother, Caleb.  It was Krissy's first marathon, and I wanted to be there to cheer her on.  

I found rides for all the kiddos to their various activities Saturday morning.  I headed to the starting line with Kristin and Caleb, being ginger with my left gimp foot.  I started running.  I felt it give out at about Mile 4.  I limped/walked to Mile 14 where I caught a ride to the finish with our amazing friend, Laura.  I stopped with Laura at Mile 20 to cheer Kristin and Caleb on.  I stood there with my race number on my shirt, cheering the runners on.  It was the best moment of my life.  All the runners that ran by thought that I had already finished/won the race and come back to cheer on everyone else.  Wow!  That was the closest I will ever come to feeling like a winner! :)

Kristin and Caleb finished the race with flying colors.  They got a medal.  I did not.  I was an 
UN- FINISHER!  I hopped around the finish area on one foot with a bag of ice strapped to my ankle.  We didn't get much of a chance to relax after the race, because we had to head off to Nyah's dance competition, and then run Ian to his soccer game.

We didn't head for home after all that.  Next, I hopped over to Salem Pond where Prom pictures were being taken.  Aaron took pictures of Cali, her date, and the rest of the crew.  Cali looked beautiful.  I tried to stay in the background with my embarrassing gimp foot.

Next, we hopped into the high school to see Promenade (where all the couples walk out on stage so that the parents can see their beautiful children, before the kids head off to dinner/Prom).  

I hopped home, borrowed a pair of crutches, stubbed my toe, stabbed myself in the arm with a knife and had a mental breakdown with lots of tears.  My dear son, Ian, looked at me and said, "Mom, why are you crying?  You did this to yourself.  You OVERDID it!"  Truth hurts.  Next, my same son, Ian, said, "Mom.  Did I hear you say you aren't going to church tomorrow?  Sister ______ went to church every Sunday . . . the whole time she had cancer." I started crying even harder.

Nyah turned to Ian and said, "Ian.  You need to go to bed.  You are making things so much worse."

Ian proceeded to tear up, exclaiming, "This is why I don't have any friends.  I never say the right things!"  He ran downstairs to bed.  I hopped after him with my crutches.  I hopped too fast, tripped on the crutches, re injured my foot, consoled Ian, consoled Carson who also started crying because of all the hubbub . . .  

I looked around the room at my 3 youngest children.  "This is so sad.  We are all sitting here crying and upset."

Nyah looked at me with a smile on her face and said, "I'm not crying, Mom.  I'm not sad at all!  I'm really happy!"  She is always a bright ray of sunshine no matter what the situation.

This day taught me a couple of things:
1) Truth hurts.
2) There is such a thing as trying to cram too much into a day.
3) My kids are amazing.
4) You should not run on an injured foot, no matter what!

I found out the next day that my foot was not broken.
I found out 3 days later that I have Peroneal Tendonitis.
I cannot run, but I can walk now.  Life is good.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Spring Break was just a little different this year. Aaron took the 3 youngest children to California for 8 days to visit Grandma and Grandpa, the beach and Magic Mountain. Cali stayed home to study for the ACT, take the ACT and interview for a job -- which she got!

I stayed home to work. It was very fun.
I also ended up plunging a public toilet. And no . . . it wasn't me that stopped it up! I go to the bathroom outside these days. Ha! Ha! Let your imaginations go wild. Why would Vanessa Heber be plunging the toilet in a public facility? Leave a comment with your guess. Whoever guesses the closest gets $5 to buy their own plunger. I'll let you know who the winner is!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference Activities

General Conference Sunday is a really fun day at our house. Not only do we get to hear amazing talks from President Monson and our other church leaders, but we also find all sorts of activities to keep us ALERT throughout. Here are a few examples:

Coloring projects, henna hair dye, back scratches . . .

Back massages. Our family is obviously great at multi-tasking!

Paint the boys fingernails.

Eat LOTS of breakfast casserole, french toast, and fruit!

Celebrate the boys' new jobs with Dairy Queen ice cream cake, compliments of Mom.

Take a "Wedding Shot" of Caleb and Josh cutting their cake together.

Take even creepier "Wedding Pictures" of Caleb feeding Josh a piece of cake and vice versa. These should definitely be filed under Awkward Family Photos on-line.

Our day has been jam-packed with adventures. In fact, it's been such a full day, that we are ready for bed even though it is only 5 p.m. right now. The adults are ready to tuck the kids into bed. Unfortunately, the kids can tell time and know we have at least 3 more hours together. What a fabulous day!!

Apples to Apples

New family favorite! Apples to Apples: a game where an adjective card is placed in the middle of the table. Everyone lays down a noun card that they feel best fits the adjective. The person in charge of choosing, looks at all the noun cards and chooses what they think is the best!

Picture this: the Heber family gathered round the table playing the game. It's Nyah's turn to pick. She looks at all 5 choices and reads them aloud: "Sauerkraut, hummingbird, FRENCH WIENIES . . ." The whole table burst into peals of laughter. "FRENCH WIENIES?!"

We all looked at her with disbelief, so Nyah flashed the card at us while she repeated it again. "See. French Wienies!" The card read, FRENCH WINES.

"Wienies, Wine . . . Same thing!" Nyah said. I'd love to live in NYAH WORLD!! It is always a party!