Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Spring Break was just a little different this year. Aaron took the 3 youngest children to California for 8 days to visit Grandma and Grandpa, the beach and Magic Mountain. Cali stayed home to study for the ACT, take the ACT and interview for a job -- which she got!

I stayed home to work. It was very fun.
I also ended up plunging a public toilet. And no . . . it wasn't me that stopped it up! I go to the bathroom outside these days. Ha! Ha! Let your imaginations go wild. Why would Vanessa Heber be plunging the toilet in a public facility? Leave a comment with your guess. Whoever guesses the closest gets $5 to buy their own plunger. I'll let you know who the winner is!


Calee said...

Looks like you've paid your dues! Where are you working?

Lohra said...

...was it a work toilet? And you couldn't wait long enough to go outside?