Yesterday, Carson had a Christmas Program at preschool. A secret visitor (that happy, jolly old elf) came to visit the kids at the end of the program. All the kids sat on Santa's lap and got a yummy looking blue or pink Dora the Explorer candy cane. I even commented on the beautiful canes. "Wow! What great looking candy canes!"
Well, when it was time for Carson to sit on Santa's lap, he chose to stand beside him instead. (I think he was tramatized at the last Christmas party, when Santa got a little too friendly). Anyways, after Carson told Santa he wanted Star Wars Legos for Christmas, Santa said, "I'll see what I can do," and then handed Carson an itsy bitsy red and white striped candy cane. Carson promptly ran to me, hid his head on my shoulder, and refused to talk. As soon as we stepped out the door, Carson yelled, "I hate Santa! Santa is mean!" He couldn't stop talking about Mean Mr. Santa for the rest of the day.
I'm glad Santa is already a bad guy, because guess what? Carson is not getting Star Wars legos for Christmas!! Santa's really going to be in the Doghouse now!!
Tell Carson that Morgan didn't get a big candycane either. She was having a hard time even wanting to sit on Santa's lap, she was fine with the idea when she saw the big candycane. I finally convinced her and he gave her a little candycane. Maybe Santa has favorites... :)
I agree. Legos and preschoolers just don't mix. Makes for some very uncomfortable bare feet around the house.
So after you guys left, I saw Morgans tiny candy cane. Those things are even smaller than the small candy canes I thought you were talking about. I can't believe they had different sizes. They CAN'T do that to little preschoolers! I would have been mad at Santa too!
Santa is mean. I agree with Carson because I don't think Santa is going to bring me what I want this year too. I didn't think a new car and house were too much to ask for.
Carson cracks me up! What a funny kid! Thanks for sharing!
Oh I did! I was glad to stay longer. The temple was great, by the way, I wish you could have been there. I definitely needed someone to have a laugh at my expense. :) Happy New Year!
Carson is so funny and cute! Wish we could have spent more time with you guys last time we were up, let me know if you liked those websites I gave you.
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