"Sure you do. Look excited!"
"I'm really nervous, but I really want a present!"
"Everyone is staring at me. Why is Mom making me do this?!"
Cali told Santa she didn't want to sit on his lap, but he insisted.
The kids were much more comfortable in a group setting. After all, they had the numbers: 3 to 1. Santa didn't have a chance!
Did you ever notice how adults contradict themselves?!
During the Spring, Summer, Fall, and most of the Winter:
"Kids. Go straight to school. Don't talk to strangers. Don't even smile at them. If anyone you don't know tries to give you candy or tries to talk to you or asks you to get in the car with them, run away as fast as you can. We can't be too careful these days!! There are lots of wackos out there."
During December:
"Hey, Kids! Guess what you get to do tonight. You get to sit on a strange man's lap, tell him all of your secret hopes and dreams about Christmas morning, take candy from him, eat the candy he gives you, give him a hug, and have a photo taken with him that will soon be posted on the Internet. Make sure you smile or else you won't get any presents!"
"But, Mom. I don't want to sit on his lap or talk to him. He's strange. He has a fake beard, he coughs, and he smells funny. Plus, I don't want one of those old candy canes."
"Sit on his lap, or else!!"
I love this post. You are so hilarious. I love reading all of the funny things you have to say. You truly have a gift for telling stories.
It is so true, though. We are constantly telling them to not talk to strangers and then making them do it, or else!!!!
I love your blog. It is always making me laugh. Thanks, I needed it today!
I have the strangest feeling that on Christmas Eve the Miracle on
34th Street will become the miracle for all of us who continue to believe in the jolly old elf. Great blog.
Thanks for the needed laugh!! That was so funny! I agree, adults are so contradicting! How did Nyah get out of sitting on Santa's lap?!
Nyah was at a birthday party and missed out on the whole event! She was so disappointed! Ha! Ha!
So funny. So true! Kali was a good sport! I don't how I would feel being 12 still sitting on Santa's lap.
Your kids did it! They sat on Santa's lap. It is funny how we want them to love this stranger. J. wanted to ask him if he got her letter, but was too afraid to ask because she said she doesn't know him that well and only sees him once a year!
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