Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Budget Massage

If any of you have SORE muscles but NO money for a massage, I have a solution for you:

Have your children or some friendly neighborhood children gather rocks from the backyard.

Soak the rocks in HOT water.

Finally, have them lay the hot rocks on your back, legs, or feet.

Note: You may suffer from some minor burns from the hot rocks, but you will no longer feel your sore muscles. Plus, it's free!


Melissa said...

I love it! And, your message therapists look like they are enjoying it just as much. :)

Lohra said...

Ness, I would take you as a traveling companion any day! Well, as long as you didn't make me run with you every morning at 5 am. :)

Kristin said...

LOL..Love it!!!

The Heaton's said...

Now that is thinking! Great idea! LOL!