Larsen Elementary celebrated its 30th Birthday yesterday! Who knew that schools have birthday parties?! As a tribute to the school, there was an assembly with musical performances from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and present day. It was American Idol style, with judges. Luckily, there was no Simon in attendance.
I was blessed to receive an invitation to dance with the PTA for the 80s number, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," originally sung by Cyndi Lauper. Believe it or not, it was tough to get an outfit together and to do my hair for the performance. In the 80s, my bangs were a foot tall and my peg leg pants were always tightly folded, but I think I lost my groove.
My neighbor and I went shopping at a local thrift store to try to get our 80s groove back. She found a super short skirt for me and I unearthed a ghastly orangy vest(my Massillon Tiger pals from high school would've been proud!). Unfortunately, I couldn't find any stretchy pants to wear under the skirt. Cali finally drug out an old pair of hers that she was getting rid of. They weren't quite stretchy enough for me though. The waistband only came up mid-butt, so I decided I'd just have to be really careful not to bend over when we danced.
We ended up having a blast on stage. The students loved it. They definitely made us all feel like super stars! Unfortunately, the judges awarded the Student Council, who performed the Macarena, the coveted 1st place prize. Our PTA 80s group held our heads high throughout the awards assembly, and pretended that we weren't devastated. Maybe next year will be our year to be the champions! My stretchy pants won't be making it back next year though. I can't figure it out, but for some reason, the stitching seems to be wearing awfully thin in the buttocks area!!
Woo hoo! I have finally found a coveted place on your blog! I think you looked fabulous. And, I guess we need to step it up for the 40th!! (Cause we'll still be PTAing it then....maybe not you!)
You guys looked great! The girls came home and told me all about it! They LOVED it! What a fun way to celebrate a birthday!
That is so funny. You guys looked awesome! I was in kindergarten at Larsen Elementary the first year it opened. I can't believe that has been 30 years! Wow! What a fun thing to do. I bet your kids loved it.
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