Everyone keeps saying, "Vanessa, what are you going to do with all your free time?"
"Vanessa, were you in tears when you dropped Carson off for his first day of kindergarten?"
"Oh, you poor thing. I bet you don't know what to do with yourself!"
Are you kidding me? Carson is six years old and attends kindergarten for a mere 2 1/2 hours a day. I barely have time to put in a load of laundry, take a shower, and do all the PTA work the school has decided I need to do now that I am so "bored", before I have to be back at Larsen to pick my baby up from school.
I just wish Carson was in full day kindergarten so I'd have time to dig up trees, build on an addition to the house, and make homemade wheat bread in all my spare time.
I remember the same thing when the twins went to school. It's amazing how quickly you fill your time! Enjoy!
Well, we did see you out running right after drop off! Life must be good! And, I agree--kindergarten is over so quickly! And, am I slacking on PTA? I haven't heard anything about meetings at all!!
Oh he is so cute! I bet you will find that you DO talk to Biscut during the day. I find myself talking to Zeke :)
Yes we are really behind on blogging. Maybe when the kids go back to school I will find some time - (which is not until September 8th).
What a big day for Carson! I have to agree Kindergarten is definitely NOT long enough! I bet Biscut is sure happy to have you all to hinself;)!
I am so glad you said that. People think you have ALLLL this time now. Not true, not true. But hooray for rites of passage into a new "stage" of parenting tho.
No wonder we had an empty house at the RS Enrichment Activity... They were all at home posting comments on your blog! JK :) What a great blog! At least now I know where you've been hiding all summer long! However, I'm a little creeped out by all the buttons.. We rented Coraline over the weekend, and your blog looks like a creation of the "other" mother that wants to sew buttons in your eyes...
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