The day started out with Carson getting stung by a bee on his hand. Nyah made him a plateful of baking soda paste (way more than was necessary for 1 bee sting!). After he recovered, we headed down to the beach to search for crabs.
After getting to the rocks where the crabs live, we found out . . . Carson hates crabs! He started screaming bloody murder everytime he'd see one. "I hate those! They are going to bite me. I want to go home right now!"
I wandered around the beach with Carson while the rest of the family went crab huntin'. Aaron made me feel a part of things later when he let me hold his crab!
We met a man on the beach that has lived in Imperial Beach his whole life. I thought this would be a great opportunity to get to know a little bit about the town.
"Where are the best places to eat?" I asked.
"I don't know. I'm from here. I eat at home," my new friend David replied.
A long, rather uncomfortable silence ensued. We both stared at the waves.
"So, where are the best places to go jogging?" I asked, secretly wondering if there were any SAFE places to jog.
"I don't know. I don't jog."
Another uncomfortable silence.
"Wow. It sure has been cold yesterday and today. We came here from Utah. It's in the 80s and 90s there. We can't believe it's only 65 degrees here in Sunny San Diego."
"It's called June Gloom. It happens every year."
Well, I obviously picked the wrong guy to talk to. I didn't get a picture of David, but Aaron did take a picture of his dog!
The kids had a blast on the beach. They had sand in every nook and cranny.
After we cleaned up all the sand, we headed to Balboa Park to check out some free entertainment. We stopped at some porta-potties on our way into the park. When Carson exited his potty, the heavy plastic blue door shut on his ankle, causing lots of blood and even more screaming. Remember, he had already been stung by a bee and scared to death by the crabs. Luckily, I had a small first aid kit in my purse. The band-aid seemed to stop the blood and the screaming.
Balboa Park is one of the coolest places I have ever been. Acres of land covered with museums, grassy nooks and gorgeous flowers. One of the first things we saw was a street performing group called the Steam Powered Giraffe. Look them up on the Internet. Very cool!!!
We next went to the park to listen to an outdoor concert on the largest outdoor organ in the world. The first 5 songs were amazing, but when the kids found out there were 9 more songs, we decided to make a quick exit.
We did some more sightseeing and then ended up at the Botanical Gardens, another free Sunday hotspot!
The big finale in our time spent at Balboa was playtime at one of the local parks. There was a yellow mushroom shaped chair that you could sit in while someone spins you around. Carson hit his breaking point while being spun. More screaming, threats of throwing up, and more, "I want to go homes!" The other kids stood around the mushroom laughing hysterically at his screams. Poor kid. Hopefully he'll make it through the week!
Poor Carson! I'm sure this will be a vacation he will never forget! It sounds like you are finding all the excitement in "not so sunny" San Diego!
Hehehehe......Poor Carson! Just don't tell him I had a good chuckle at his expense. Hope the rest of the week is scream free for him! Have fun!!
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