I had a request for the "How I Met My Husband" story, so here it goes . . .
On a warm September morning in the fall of '92, I was sitting in the CougarEat at BYU with my legs propped up under the table. I had already eaten breakfast at the dining hall at Deseret Towers, didn't have to be to class for an hour, and was people watching as I pretended to read my Child Development assignment. I felt slightly uncomfortable in my navy blue polka dot dress shorts which were Honor's Code length when I stood up, but were starting to inch up when I was in a seated position, partly due to my growing waistline from the delicious 2nd and 3rd helpings I partook of on a daily basis with my free meal card.
As I leaned over to pull my shorts down to a more suitable length, I heard a male voice say, "May I sit here?" I looked up and saw the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes staring at me.
When I meet someone for the first time, there is usually lots of nervous laughter from my end, so my response sounded something like . . . "Oh, sure. Yes. Ha! Ha! No one is sitting here. Ha! Ha! I'm just sitting here studying. Ha! Ha! What's your name? Mine's Vanessa. He! He!"
"Hi. I'm Aaron."
We did the normal, get-to-know-you chit chat while he ate his eggs and potatoes. Whenever there was silence, I would just do some more nervous laughter.
"You sure laugh a lot. Would you like to go to Johnny B's Comedy Club on Friday?"
To make a long story short, I accepted the invitation to Johnny B's, he picked me up wearing a black leather jacket and driving a black Fiero (a sure way to a girl's heart in 1992), I laughed a lot, I kissed him, he kissed me back, we got married a year and a half later, and are in the process of living happily ever after.
The End . . . Ha! Ha! Ha!
Sooo romantic! That's how every girl pictured finding her husband. Being picked up on in the Cougar eat!!
Aawww.....that is SO sweet!! :)
Dear Vanessa,
Thank you for sharing your love story at the Cougar Eats. My husband, Livingstone Todd and I met in the South American jungles of Paraguay. We were studying the various types of birds in the region and he suggested that we swim in one of the rivers there (How romantic). What he failed to tell me was that the river was filled with pirambebas or piranhas.
He was such a gentleman and allowed me to go in first. Was that a clue that I should have been looking for another boyfriend?
Please advise. Thanks.
Dear Mary,
Had he taken out a life insurance policy on you before the swim with the piranhas? I'd definitely keep a concealed weapon on hand at all times around that guy. Good luck!
I love the story! Ha ha ha! Although, how does a girl with a nervous laugh get the courage to give the first kiss? Post that story next!!
I could totally picture the whole thing unfold. You have such a good contagious laugh and I am sure you haven't stopped laughing. Your so up beat and positive. I wish you would rub off on me more. Maybe instead of moving to Bakersfield we should move to Utah
Ha! NOW I know why you laugh so much when I come over. It always seemed a little suspicious...
I love this story, especially the part about the polka dot dress shorts! We were definitely the best-dressed girls at BYU in the mid-90's! ha!
AH, what a great story! Congrats on 15 years! You guys are so great together and have the cutest family!
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