Uncle Caleb led us in a special reading of the story of the Nativity on Christmas Eve. It was the most dramatic rendition yet!! While he read, we all acted out the story with our hand puppets. Though the Christmas Story has been somewhat reverent in past years, Caleb managed to eek more laughter from my kids than I ever thought possible.
Uncle Ryan brought the kids' favorite toy this year, all the way from California. It was . . . Cousin Brock!!
And last, but not least, Uncle Josh really worked hard to win favorite uncle status, by buying the kids Rock Band for Christmas, to go along with my Rock Star Secret Pal gift. The gift went over stupendously until I heard Carson screaming out a rock song with curse words in it. Josh, it was a close race this year, but I think you are going to be disqualified because of the "R" rated songs the kids have been singing!!

And the winner is . . . Are you kidding me?! How could anyone ever choose?! You guys are awesome!!
What? No survey? (Hmmm)
What nice uncle's the kids have! :)
Bryan is officially an uncle. That's exciting. I'm sorry I made it into so many of those secret pal pictures. I'll try to pick a more inconspicuous spot next time. Thanks for the updates!
Looks and sounds like you had a fabulous holiday! Having a lot of family around for the holiday's always makes it more fun!
Best blog on the net. Whoever the author is should write for a major publication!
Thanks, Holly! By the way, are you related to anyone named Markie Golightly?! Love your undercover name, Dad!
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